123 Main Street
Somewhere, UT 12345
Get mouth-watering data for your sales reps from a simple name and email or phone number: Estimated income, credit range, home value, length of residence, age, education, demographics, and more!
Boost efficiency with our proprietary algorithm which assigns a score to each lead to help pre-qualify them.
Know exactly where your leads are in the pipeline, and never miss an appointment or a follow-up with our automated reminders.
Call, email, and send SMS messages from within the platform. Our transparency features allow for a smooth and compliant sales process by recording all communication with customers.
Bring out the best of your sales team with some competitive spirit. Our gamified scoreboard will reward and recognize your top performers.
For a unique sales experience, custom order forms tailor-made for your organization help you seal the deal and send interactive proposals without leaving the platform.
Keep your eye on the prize with our accountability-based dashboard. Compare previous week's analytics to your current week and strive to improve performance consistently.
With Squeez Score, truly understand your leads with data-rich profiles to pre qualify, build rapport, and provide a simple sales experience. Increase your ideal customer data points for more accurate targeted marketing on ads.
Follow-up is crucial to the sales process in both new customers and receiving referrals. Increasing sales volume requires effective follow-up and communication. Manage your pipeline with our customization options and automate your follow-up reminders.
The transparency feature keeps a record of all SMS and emails with a customer to keep track of quotes and interest points from previous conversations. SMS and email templates help boost sales efficiency and outreach potential.
Give your sales reps the analytics that matter to help them improve. The Squeez Scoreboard taps into the competitive nature of sales by recognizing and rewarding top performing users through our gamification.
Tired of keeping appointment setters happy? The first all-in-one “solar in a box” solution for teams of any size.
You close the deal and we handle the rest. From lead generation to call center preset appointments and quality installation, Squeez makes everything simple.
Select from multiple lead sources and criteria to fit your budget and volume.
Utilize our call center network to set up your appointments. Focus on closing more deals and less on prospecting.
Understand your lead qualification and interest with the Squeezing process.
Customizable workflows that are optimized for solar.
Automated follow-up reminders to keep you on track to never miss another quota.
Boost efficiency with lead scoring and automated follow-up reminders.
Advanced automated communication tools.
Squeezed lead profiles help build rapport with your customers to discover their true pain points.
Work efficiently and avoid downtime with our optimized lead arrangements.
Data-enriched customer profiles to provide a helpful, tailored experience.
Detailed records of all previous interactions.
Transparent communication tools.
“I grew tired of trying to find the right tool to help sales reps boost conversion, so we committed to making it ourselves. Squeez is truly built by sales people for sales people, dedicated to continuous innovation.”